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Lea Wilson

Caucasian woman with curly hair smilingLea Wilson, MS
Washington State University
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Lea Wilson is an arborist with a municipal tree planting program at the Bureau of Environmental Services in Portland, Oregon. Lea works to lower barriers to participation in voluntary tree planting and stewardship with a focus on increasing canopy in low-canopy and low-income neighborhoods, and increasing participation and economic opportunities in urban forestry for historically excluded groups. Lea is also a PhD student at Washington State University, School of the Environment. Her current research focuses on urban tree establishment practices and shifts in species selection in response to climate change. Lea is especially interested in how the socioecology of the urban forest affects its resilience. Lea holds an MS in Sustainability from Arizona State University and a BS in Environmental Science from Oregon State University. She is an ISA Certified Arborist.

Lea's Graduate Fellowship Work

Man planting a tree with youth group

Project Page: Does Treebate incentivize a more equitable, climate-ready urban watershed?

Does Treebate incentivize a more equitable, climate-ready urban watershed?

Paper: A role for urban Extension to enhance forest stewardship and climate resiliency – a case study of the Treebate incentive

Cities across the United States already recognize the importance of their urban forests and have been running tree planting programs to support urban forest growth for years. Here, we use a case study of one such program – Treebate in Portland, Oregon – to examine how the Cooperative Extension System is perfectly positioned to help community-oriented urban forestry programs thrive.