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Prabesh Khanal

headshotPrabesh Khanal
Washington State University
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Prabesh Khanal is a graduate student in Biological and Agricultural Engineering at Washington State University, specializing in land, air, water resources, and environmental studies. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Engineering from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. He worked as a Water Engineer in the Department of Water Resources and Irrigation, Nepal, for five years. His current research aims to understand how the impact of a changed hydrological regime due to urbanization affects the health of agricultural lands on the urban fringe, specifically on soil’s physical, chemical, and microbial properties. He is interested in knowing the complex interactions between urbanization, agricultural production, and soil health. 



Prabesh's Graduate Fellowship Work

Impacts of Urbanization on Periurban Agricultural Soil Properties: A Systematic Critical Review 

The purpose of this Graduate Fellowship effort is to carry out a systematic literature review and analysis of the impact of urbanization on the soil properties of agricultural fields in the rural-urban interface, with a focus on microbial ecology. The main outcomes from this Fellowship will include an extension white paper summarizing the literature review and critique on microbial ecology in agricultural lands in periurban areas as impacted by urbanization. Ultimately, a peer-reviewed synthesis paper will be developed  


  • Develop search criteria, search databases and analyze findings. 
  • Conduct a field investigation of soil quality as impacted by urban stormwater runoff. 
  • Disseminate research findings to relevant audiences through effective extension outreach.