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Urban Extension Toolkit

Paper: Urban Extension – tools to build the workforce of tomorrow

Existing models of training the Extension workforce do not always align with the needs of urban Extension professionals. This paper lays the groundwork for new professional development tools and explores the competencies needed to be a successful urban Extension professional.

ESP Conference Poster

WCMER Fellows Ramona Madhosingh-Hector and Alyssa Bowers presented a poster at the 2023 Epsilon Sigma Phi annual conference in Billings, MT.

Applied Research Fellow: Ramona C. Madhosingh-Hector, MS

Ramona Madhosingh-Hector is a Regional Specialized Agent in Urban Sustainability for the University of Florida/IFAS Extension and serves the Southwest District. Since 2010, she has developed educational programs that support and advance the region’s commitment to sustainability including programs focused on resource efficiency, community sustainability, and food systems.

white woman with red hair and red lipstick smiling

Applied Research Fellow: Alyssa Bowers, M.S.

Alyssa Bowers began her WCMER fellowship while working for University of Florida IFAS Extension as the 4-H Youth Development Agent in Pinellas County. She is now an Assistant Professor of 4-H Youth Development with Washington State University and the King County Extension Director (which includes the City of Seattle).